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by Moss Hart & George S. Kaufman

MY MEMORY:  To work on a play with such a large cast is a special pleasure. 1989 was the 50th anniversary of Kaufman & Hart’s classic comedy (a play I had long wanted to direct), so when the wonderful actor Michael Lombard said he wanted to do it, I knew the time was right. It proved to be the perfect play for the holiday season -- and what a great time we all had, in rehearsal and on stage! 

A PERFECT LEAD MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE.  The Cleveland Play House has found the perfect Whiteside in Michael Lombard. 

This production is a lovely holiday gift, full of extravagant fun -- a huge cast, three acts, wonderfully witty sets and costumes -- all held in fragile comic balance by Lombard's performance. 


Director Roger Danforth has neatly orchestrated the plot, with its little star turns for an endless parade of funny folk. 


But who am I to tell you more. Go and see for yourself.   -- Cleveland Plain Dealer


December 1989


Sets by Dan Conway

Lights by Richard Winkler

Costumes by C.L. Hundley

Sound by Jordan Davis


Featuring Michael Lombard, Peggy Cosgrave, Winifred Walsh, Barnaby Spring, Michael Cooke, Lianne Kressin, Morgan Lund, Tamara Daniel, David Frazier, Providence Hollander, Paula Duesing, Howard Taylor, Molly Renfroe, Scott New, Mike Petrone, Kevin Sweeney and Jerry Longe.


Photos by Richard Termine

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